How to Reverse the Health Problems Caused By Chronic Stress ... Naturally
Chronic Stress Escalates to Toxic Stress ... 
and It's the Root Cause of Many Health Conditions
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If you're a high-achieving “Super Woman,” you’re in the right place.

We get you, and we've got you.

I consider myself a “recover-ING Super Woman.” I'll never be done. 

Old habits die hard.

Since you've made your way here, I suspect you may be in need of a reboot. 

Is your life looking like your web browser? Far too many open tabs? 

I get it.

Rebooting takes time. And won't you just need to reopen all those tabs anyway?   

Every tab represents some commitments you've made … some just for the day and others for a lifetime.

I want us to be able to keep our commitments … at least the ones that make sense and are a win/win for all concerned.

That will require … 

      a shift in perspective 

      a new approach to prioritization 

      an open mind and heart

            … and most likely …

      True Grit.

The stakeholders in your world may resist the changes you want and need to make. Change is often uncomfortable.

Let's make sure you're prepared … even equipped … to deal with the blowback.

Frankly, you're worth it. I KNOW you're worth it.

Do you know you're worth it?

Do you want to be able to keep those lifetime commitments you make?

Long-term, the choices, decisions … and yes, changes … you make now will create a new outcome. The future will be rewritten.

Do you remember the movie “Back to the Future?” Marty McFly (played by Michael J. Fox) time travels in a DeLorean. After an accidental intervention, his parents were living a completely different (and may I say better) life. Changing the events of one evening revised a lifetime.

I don't have a crystal ball, but I can tell you with certainty that life will be better when you learn to manage … even master … stress.

That's what we'll be doing here in the MOLT Membership.

A few reminders about stress. 

     It can't be eliminated. 

     It is life threatening. 

     It shows up in countless ways. 

     It creates dis-ease. 

     It demands respect. 



     It can become your friend.

We're going to MOLT stress … shed it just like any other creature in nature that has outgrown its trappings.

That's going to require a four-layer approach.

Stress is multidimensional and can't be coaxed into captivity without a comprehensive plan.

We'll address: 

 • M for Mindset. 

  The thoughts and attitude that are repeated resulting in escalating stress and undesirable consequences. 

 • O for Order. 

  The personal environment and habits that keep the nervous system on high-alert and in sympathetic overdrive. 

 • L for Lifestyle.

  The daily activities including diet and exercise that the body relies on to maintain health. 

 And, most importantly, the thing that is often ignored because it's the hardest   to wrestle with … 

 • T for Toxins. 

  The build-up of toxins that escalate to toxic stress … often the root cause of disease.

Without addressing the toxins that have accumulated and are draining your energy, you'll take two steps forward and at least one back.

You'll feel frustrated at best, and possibly even defeated.

But you're “Super Woman.” Defeat is not an option.

So we're going to work together to identify those toxins … your Kryptonite … and eliminate it, or manage it … depending on what we find.

Kryptonite is rarely hiding in plain sight.

If it was as simple as taking out the garbage that's creating a stench, you would have done it already.

Rather just like “Super Woman,” you feel your energy draining. You suspect it's Kryptonite but you have to track it down … find it and then figure out what to do with it.

That's where the office hours calls that are included in the MOLT Membership will create a lifeline for you.

As you begin to find clues, it will help to have a guide to provide some insight about where that clue might be taking you.

You don't have to go it alone.

Remember, I get you. And I got you.

A journey of 1,000 miles starts with the first step. So let's get started.

See you on the inside!

You will learn:

 Where stress shows up first
To recognize it and stop the momentum 

 Why stress must be mastered for your well-being 
To stop the disease process and restore energy

 Who is most at-risk for stress-related illness 
To know your risk level and make well-being a priority
 Ways to recognize the type of stress you're dealing with 
To identify which tools are most likely to relieve the current stressor

 What to do when stress relief tips/tools/tricks don't last 
To recognize the warning signs before they escalate to a full-blown health crisis

 How to address what's really causing the problem
To resolve the root cause of your chronic stress and anxiety

Isn't it about time to update the way you think about and deal with stress?

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    Buy today and all access the first modules of the Program for a full 15 days. If, for any reason, you don't feel that the Program will help you deal with chronic stress, just contact us and we'll refund your payment. We want to ease your mind. Give the Program a try. You've got nothing to lose!

    What you'll get:

    MOLT MethodTM Program

     Program Training Modules - ($350 Value) 

     Tricky Toxins Guidebook with Symptom Survey - ($99 Value)

    BONUS #1: Two Months of Access to Live "Office Hours" - ($160 Value - $80 per Month)

    BONUS #2: Energetic Toxic Burden Scan - ($89 Value)

    Total Value: $698

    Workshop Offer: $197
    Your order:
    • Total payment
    • 1xMOLT Method™ Program$197
    • Shipping$0

    All prices in USD

    • How is the Program delivered?
      The 2023 refreshed program will be available spring 2023. You'll receive login credentials to access the Program online.
    • How do I order the Energetic Toxic Burden scan?
      When you join the Program, we'll check to determine whether a specimen collection kit has already been shipped to you from a previous order. If this is a NEW order, you'll receive a kit in the mail along with an envelope to return it to us. Your scan report will be emailed to you a few days AFTER we receive the specimen.
    • How do get my questions answered?
      You'll receive a link to a form where you can submit your question to have it answered by Dr. Gala. She answers questions on Office Hours calls. After the call, the recording is uploaded to the Member Portal and time-stamped so that you can easily find the answer to your question.

      Customer-service-related questions are answered during business hours. You can reply to any email you receive from us.
    • How do I attend the Office Hours calls?
      The schedule for Office Hours calls is created a month in advance. You'll receive an email letting you know. The calls are on Zoom and you'll receive a link to join.
    Be an Early Adopter - Join the Program